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Health Institution Agreement





ThisCorporate Membership Agreement (“Agreement”) has been signed by CALLHEALERINTERNATIONAL HEALTH TURİZM LTD ŞTİ, located at SUİT E2719, 82A JAMES CARTERROAD, MİLDENHALL,SUFFOLK, ENGLAND, IP28 7DE. (“CALLHEALER”) and the HealthInstitution (“Health Institution”) on the signature page on the other side andthe Tourism Agency (“Tourism Agency”) have been concluded and entered intoforce within the framework of the specified conditions. forward below. şt r.CALLHEALER and the Healthcare Institution will be referred to individually as'Party' and together as 'Parties'. In addition, all transactions made on behalfof CALLHEALER at every point of this agreement are OPSİS YAZILIM LTD. ŞTİ. Thecompany is authorized.


The annexesof this Agreement and all written processes, explanations and all otheradditional documents regarding the use of CALLHEALER services offered on thePlatform shall be an integral part of the Agreement. Request; The HealthOrganization wants to become a member of the platform managed by CALLHEALER andmake sales through this platform, and CALLHEALER wants to enable the HealthOrganization to benefit from the services of its electronic commerce platformin return for the commission it pays. .


Within theframework of these matters and commercial relations, the Parties have agreed onthe conditions specified in this Agreement.




Platform:www.callhealer.uk and all related value areas, where all intellectual andindustrial rights belong to CALLHEALER in accordance with the Property andIndustrial Property Law No. 6769 and the Law on Intellectual and Artistic WorksNo. 5846, and where the 'Services' determined by this Agreement are offered. Itmeans that it provides a special virtual page where the existing websites andmobile application and the Health Institution can perform the necessarytransactions to benefit from the applications and Services offered on thePlatform, see the requested company/personal information, follow the salestransaction details.


Service(s):Offered by CALLHEALER on the Platform in order for the Health Institution topublish and sell its health services; It refers to all practices such aspublishing advertisements, sales intermediation/marketing and similar practices.


Buyer(s): Itrefers to the real persons who purchase the health services provided by theHealth Institution on the Platform.


HealthInstitution: Refers to the legal or real person that provides health servicesthrough the advertisements published through the account created on theplatform.


TourismAgency: It refers to the legal or real person who offers flight tickets,hotels, transfers and tour organizations through the advertisements publishedthrough the account created on the platform.



1.15. TheHealth Institution and Tourism Agency are bound by all announcements andcontent published on the Platform and will be responsible for all commitmentsarising from them. CALLHEALER, the Health Institution and the Tourism Agency,due to the fact that their activities do not comply with the terms of thisAgreement and the rules and conditions declared on the Platform, constitute aviolation of the legislation, pose a risk in terms of legal, technical andespecially information security, and prejudice the personal and commercialrights of third parties, the Health Institution and without any prior notice tothe Tourism Agency, may temporarily or permanently stop the publication of theadvertisements, suspend or terminate the membership, and unilaterally terminatethis Agreement without compensation, and terminate the service sales of theHealth Institution and the Tourism Agency. The Health Institution and theTourism Agency accept, declare and undertake not to demand any fee or othercompensation from CALLHEALER in such a case. In case of non-compliance with theprovision of this article, CALLHEALER reserves the right to terminate theAgreement immediately without any notice.


1.16. TheHealth Institution and the Tourism Agency accept and declare that they are aparty to the distance sales contracts to be concluded with the Buyers for salesto be made through the Platform, that CALLHEALER is not a party to theprovisions of this distance sales contract, and that it is personallyresponsible towards the Buyers in every sense within the scope of theapplicable consumer law legislation and other legislation. It does. Inaddition, the Health Institution will be personally responsible for the qualityof all services displayed and sold on the Platform, their compliance with thelegislation and the provision of other services required after the service. TheHealth Institution will be directly responsible for any damages that may arisein case of non-compliance with the provision of this article. The Health Institutionand the Tourism Agency must respond to the Buyers' requests as soon aspossible.


1.17. If themembership of the Health Institution and Tourism Agency is suspended byCALLHEALER for any reason, or if it is removed from membership and blacklistedso that it will not be included in CALLHEALER platforms again, the HealthInstitution and Tourism Agency cannot become a member of the Platform withanother user account.



1.18. HealthInstitution, Tax Procedure Law No. 213 and Value Added Tax No. 3065 It is obliged to issue an invoice orself-employment receipt for the services provided in accordance with the Law.Health Institution; To fully fulfill the obligations arising from otherlegislation, especially the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502, and also tocompensate CALLHEALER for damages and expenses (including court costs, fines,taxes, duties, fees) due to the Health Institution's failure to fulfill theseobligations properly. accepts, declares and undertakes to pay all kinds ofexpenses (including but not limited to these) in cash and in lump sum.


1.19. TheTourism Agency undertakes to fully fulfill its obligations arising from otherlegislation, especially the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502, as well as thedamages and expenses (court costs, fines, taxes, duties, etc.) incurred byCALLHEALER due to the Tourism Agency's failure to fulfill these obligationsproperly. accepts, declares and undertakes to pay all expenses (including butnot limited to fees) in cash and in lump sum.


1.20. Changesin matters such as the details of the Services to be offered from the Platformand the campaigns implemented by CALLHEALER, the duration of the services andtechnical specifications may be changed by CALLHEALER at any time. However,CALLHEALER cannot change the price and fee information without an agreement tothe contrary by the Parties.


1.21. HealthInstitution and Tourism Agency, Law No. 5464 on Bank Cards and Credit Cards,Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and CombatingCrimes Committed through These Publications, Law No. 6493 on Payment andSecurities Settlement Systems, Payment Services and Electronic MoneyInstitutions. It will act in accordance with the Law on Protection ofConsumers, the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502, the Law on the Regulationof Electronic Commerce No. 6563, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No.6698 and the relevant regulations of these laws, and will comply with theregulations and narrow decisions regarding services that are prohibited orsubject to conditions to be provided in the electronic commerce environment.irrevocably accepts, declares and undertakes to act appropriately.


1.22. TheHealth Institution and Tourism Agency shall be responsible for all marketingand sales activities within the scope of the Agreement of all the brands itoffers for sale on the Platform and/or for which it owns and/or has rights,without any limitation in any media, number of prints and/or copies andduration, in any way additional to this agreement. It accepts, declares andundertakes that it consents to the use of these trademarks by CALLHEALERwithout any additional fee, and that CALLHEALER's use of these trademarks doesnot violate the trademark owner's rights, especially the Industrial PropertyLaw No. 6769, on the aforementioned trademarks and their use.


1.23. TheHealth Institution and the Tourism Agency have the right to demand compensationfor any damages suffered by CALLHEALER in case they fail to fully and/or at allfulfill any of their obligations in this Agreement and/or its annexes.CALLHEALER will be able to offset these costs from any receivables of theHealth Institution.





1.24. TheHealth Institution and the Tourism Agency acknowledge that, with thisAgreement, CALLHEALER has been authorized to collect service fees from theBuyers for the sales made with the authority to represent itself, and that bymaking these service fee payments to CALLHEALER, the Buyers are relieved oftheir payment obligations, and that they will not be obliged to make anypayment. , declares, accepts and undertakes.


1.25. Theservice fee will be collected from the Buyer by CALLHEALER on behalf of theHealth Institution and Tourism Agency at the time of purchase, and the HealthInstitution and Tourism Agency will pay the service fee in return for the salestransaction to be made from the Platform, subject to the full and proper fulfillmentof the acts specified in this Agreement and the commitments regarding theservice sold. will qualify. In line with these rights gained, the member willbe invoiced by CALLHEALER for all packages purchased, both in full andseparately.


1.25.1. Ifthe health institutions and tourism agencies issue an invoice to the CALLHEALERcompany, their earned progress payments will be transferred to the bankaccounts they have entered into the system within 15 business days (fifteendays). All expenses related to this transfer will be deducted from the accountsof the HEALTH INSTITUTIONS and TOURISM AGENCIES providing the service and thetransfer will be made.


1.26. TheHealth Institution and Tourism Agency accept and undertake to pay the AnnualMembership Fee announced by CALLHEALER on the Platform in return for becoming amember of the CALLHEALER system. However, the Health Institution can makeAnnual Membership Fee payments to Afghanistan, Burundi, Central AfricanRepublic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Crimea, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo,Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Itaccepts and declares that it will not conduct transactions through banks andfinancial institutions belonging to Venezuela and Yemen.


1.27. HealthInstitution, CALLHEALER to Buyers Anintermediary service fee of 25% (25 percent) will be deducted from the price ofany service provided through. CALLHEALER has the right to offset the ServiceCommission fee from any receivables of the Health Institution.



1.28. TheTourism Agency will add an intermediary service to the service fees related toFlight Tickets, Accommodation, Transfers and Tour Organizations offered to theBuyers through CALLHEALER, at the rate it will determine according to marketconditions, and make a deduction from the member making the purchase.CALLHEALER has the right to offset Service Commission fees from any receivablesof the Tourism Agency.


1.29. TheHealth Institution and Tourism Agency are directly responsible for the costs ofall services provided through CALLHEALER.


1.30. TheHealth Institution and the Tourism Agency are obliged to provide the service tothe Buyer within the promised time and manner, except in cases of force majeureand unless otherwise stated. In case the Health Institution and Tourism Agencyfail to provide service, a penalty corresponding to 100% of the cost of theservice that cannot be provided will be paid to CALLHEALER. CALLHEALER has theright to offset the penalty clause determined by this article from anyreceivables of the Health Institution.


1.31.Following the complete and duly provision of the purchased service package tothe Buyer, it will be paid by CALLHEALER to the Health Institution and TourismAgency on the first payment day of CALLHEALER following the due date announcedon the Platform. CALLHEALER has the right to process the invoices it will issueinto the current account of the Health Institution and Tourism Agency and toclear the current debt balance.

1.32.CALLHEALER is not responsible for service interruptions made by banks andpayment institutions from the Health Institution and Tourism Agency.


1.33. If theHealth Institution and Tourism Agency are indebted to CALLHEALER in the currentaccount for any reason, CALLHEALER has the authority to first offset thereceivables of the Health Institution and Tourism Agency arising from thisAgreement against its other debts. If the current account of the HealthInstitution and Tourism Agency turns into a debt balance with CALLHEALER, CALLHEALERwill pay the receivable to CALLHEALER's bank account specified below within 7(seven) days from the date of notification to the Health Institution andTourism Agency.



1.34. Annualmembership, service commission and penalty clause amounts will be invoiced byCALLHEALER to the Health Institution and Tourism Agency.


1.35. If theoffer made by the health institution is approved by the member and the paymentis made, 10% of the payment will be paid to the health institution as apreliminary down payment. The remaining payment will start the process ofreceiving the final payment by pressing the 'discharge' button on the memberuser panel and entering the confirmation code sent to the patient into thesystem when the healthcare institution discharges the patient. It will bedeemed to be accepted by the health institution upon approval of the contractstating that all payments will be deposited to the account specified by thehealth institution a maximum of 15 days after discharge. The health institutionwill be deemed to have accepted this service fee by issuing the invoice in thepatient's name and approving this contract.


1.36. Themember can cancel the health service he/she has purchased. However, the healthinstitution will not refund the 10% down payment paid to the health institutionfor the health offer approved by the member on behalf of the member.







CALLHEALERmay change any article of this Agreement by announcing it on the Platform. Thechanged provisions of this Agreement will become valid on the date they areannounced, and the remaining provisions will remain in force and continue toproduce their provisions and results. However, if it does not accept thesechanges, the Health Institution has the right to terminate this Agreementwithout paying any compensation, provided that it gives 15 (fifteen) dayswritten notice.




1.37. Allkinds of property tables, reports, financial and legal information, trademark,membership information, trade secret or other information subject to legalprotection or not, belonging to the Parties, all written and/or verbalinformation that the parties and their employees may learn during thecommercial relationship in question. commercial, commodity, technicalinformation, customer and market information and other information and data areconsidered 'Confidential Information'. Information that is within the knowledgeof the general public through legal and legal means without violating thisAgreement and that the parties have clearly stated in writing to benon-confidential will not be considered Confidential Information. The partiesmay disclose this information pursuant to an applicable law or other regulationor a court decision or narrow order. In this case, they will inform each otherabout this issue immediately and in any case within 2 (two) business days. Theparties undertake not to share any information and data that can be consideredwithin the scope of this article, directly/indirectly, with third parties underany circumstances and not to use them for purposes other than the purposes ofthe commercial relationship. 1.38.Parties are obliged to warn their employees and consultants about theconfidentiality of the information if they provide this information to theiremployees and consultants in cases of necessity and undoubtedly due to itsnature. Otherwise, the Parties accept and undertake in advance, irrevocably,that they will be directly responsible if their employees and consultants actcontrary to the obligations of this Agreement. This article will continue to bevalid between the Parties even after the Agreement expires.






1.39. TheHealth Institution and the Tourism Agency shall be responsible for any personaldata that it may share/transfer with CALLHEALER in the specified qualificationand/or provide in accordance with this Agreement, all actions/processesregarding the processing of personal data in the field of personal dataprotection, which will always come into force with the relevant laws andregulations in force. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will complywith all kinds of legislation and changes to be made in these legislations.


1.40. Inaddition to the obligation to comply with the legislation, regarding anypersonal data that the Health Institution and Tourism Agency may provide onbehalf of CALLHEALER in any way, including obtaining, recording, storing andpreserving:


a) To act inaccordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation and allinstructions of CALLHEALER in the field of processing and/or transfer of allkinds of personal data, not to use it for any purpose other than the purposespecified by CALLHEALER, and to delete the data immediately if the purpose iseliminated,


b) In casepersonal data is transferred to third parties in any way, it will ensure thatthe obligations in accordance with this Article 7 are held equally by thirdparties,


c) Toimmediately inform CALLHEALER about any request or issue that may concernCALLHEALER's interests regarding the processing and/or transfer of personaldata, and to provide CALLHEALER with documentation, information and all otherkinds of support when necessary, and to cooperate fully with CALLHEALER,Without such information, not to take any action unless written approval or anywritten instruction is given by CALLHEALER regarding any request, subject toobligations arising from the legislation,


d) Withoutprejudice to other obligations in this Agreement and its annexes, we agree totake all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure theappropriate level of security in order to prevent unlawful processing ofpersonal data, to prevent unlawful access to personal data, and to ensure thepreservation of personal data. , declares and undertakes. This article willremain in force even if the Agreement is terminated for any reason.




In all caseslegally considered force majeure, the Parties will not be liable for late orincomplete performance or non-performance of any of their acts specified inthis Agreement. In cases of force majeure; Delay, incomplete performance,non-performance will not be considered as default or compensation will not berequested from the other Party under any name for these situations. The termforce majeure; and beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, including butnot limited to natural disasters, war, strikes, cyber attacks, communicationproblems, infrastructure and internet failures, system-related improvement orrenewal works and malfunctions that may occur due to this, power outages andbad weather conditions. will be interpreted as inevitable events that cannot beprevented despite due care.




The Partieshave the right to terminate this Agreement without justification andcompensation at any time, provided that they give 1 (one) month written noticeof termination. In the event of termination of the Agreement, theconfidentiality and intellectual property provisions in this Agreement willremain binding.



The HealthInstitution and Tourism Agency cannot transfer or assign their rights,interests or obligations arising from this Agreement to third parties in anyway without the written permission of CALLHEALER. Any assignment or transferwithout the written consent of CALLHEALER will be invalid.



English Lawwill prevail in the interpretation and implementation of this Agreement. ADANACourts are authorized in case of any dispute that may arise from thisAgreement.


The HealthInstitution and Tourism Agency accept, declare and undertake that in case ofdisputes that may arise from this Agreement, CALLHEALER's official books andcommercial records, as well as the electronic information and computer recordskept in its database and servers, will constitute binding, definitive andexclusive evidence and that this article is an integral part of the agreement.It does.


ThisAgreement together with its annexes constitutes a whole; any provision of theAgreement or any clause contained in the Agreement. The invalidity, illegality andunenforceability of the article will not affect the validity and validity ofthe other provisions of the Agreement.





The HealthInstitution and Tourism Agency cannot transfer or assign their rights,interests or obligations arising from this Agreement to third parties in anyway without the written permission of CALLHEALER. Any assignment or transferwithout the written consent of CALLHEALER will be invalid.




English Lawwill prevail in the interpretation and implementation of this Agreement. AdanaCourts have jurisdiction over any disputes that may arise from this Agreement.




The HealthInstitution and the Tourism Agency accept, declare and undertake that in caseof disputes that may arise from this Agreement, CALLHEALER's official books andcommercial records, as well as the electronic information and computer recordskept in its database and servers, will constitute binding, definitive andexclusive evidence and that this article is a part of the agreement. It does.





ThisAgreement, together with its annexes, constitutes a whole; The invalidity,illegality or unenforceability of any provision of the Agreement or anyparagraph contained in the Agreement will not affect the force and validity ofthe remaining provisions of the Agreement.




The HealthInstitution and Tourism Agency and CALLHEALER will communicate through thee-mail/registered e-mail address provided by the Health Institution and TourismAgency when becoming a member of the Platform or by judicial registered mail totheir physical mail addresses. Without prejudice to the mandatory casesspecified in the law, sending an e-mail to the address registered on thePlatform will be considered as written communication and the HealthInstitution, Health Institution and Tourism Agency will be obliged to keep thee-mail/registered e-mail address regularly updated. will have.




Stamp Dutyand all other taxes and duties arising from or arising from this Agreement willbe borne half and half by the Parties.




Thisagreement, consisting of 16 (sixteen) articles, was read by the Parties andsigned and/or electronically approved by the Health Institution and TourismAgency, and entered into force on the date of approval. Annexes form anintegral part of this agreement.




A signed andcertified copy of the contract


tax plate

Authorizedperson information


Contactemail address

Departmentsproviding health services

Clinicalvideo and pictures


Certificationdocuments for your clinic